"the Truth at any cost"

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What Separates Us from Terrorists

When Mukasey was being 'interrogated' before he was sworn in as Attorney General, the big debate, as we can remember, was why he wouldn't admit waterboarding is torture. Republicans (rightly, in my mind) flat out said "Listen, democrats. If you hate waterboarding so much, let's just pass a bill that outlaws it." Now, Mukasey should have said it was torture. He probably shouldn't have been confirmed for not being willing to do so. If anyone can find any example of someone who HAS been waterboarded who claims it isn't torture, I might begin considering changing my mind. But that fact is, out of several folks, Republicans and Democrats, hawks and doves, everyone who has been waterboarded has said it IS torture. End of story, right?

So now the Democrats actually grew a backbone for once and decided to pass the bill. It passes in the House. Ok, no problem. But now Republican Senators are trying to delay and shoot down the bill!? What the hell is going on!?

Let me just explain something to anyone pro-waterboarding, or against this bill. We are not terrorists. We are fighting terrorists. Why? Because they have no sense of human rights, or freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or habeas corpus.
Don't you understand that when we violate human rights (by waterboarding), freedom of religion (ethnic profiling), freedom of speech (by putting outspoken critics of the government on 'watch lists'), or habeas corpus (Gitmo)---WE ARE NO BETTER THAN TERRORISTS! It becomes a cut throat war--no rules, no Good--only two evil sides fighting against one another.

Some Republicans have shown that winning is more important than the things we are fighting for. Its disgusting. Its UnAmerican. We have shown we could give a shit about democracy--nothing is happening to Musharraf despite the fact that he suspended the Constitution in Pakistan because of politics. We have shown we could give a shit about habeas corpus--"let's double the size of Guantanamo Bay" (Romney). Secret CIA prisons!? Listen--finding loopholes to be able to do what you want with terrorism suspects (Suspects! Not Convicts!) is not American. Or at least its not an American I learned about in school or have read in the constitution.
We are now showing we could give a shit about human rights. Waterboarding! Its clearly torture. And we are doing this to suspects. Do you realize you could be a suspect? I could be a suspect? Anyone in the wrong place at the wrong time could be a suspect. Its ridiculous. Hell, I've read a bin Laden speech in an Alt-newspaper--I'm probably on the 'watch list'.
"But Preston, don't you know waterboarding saves lives?"
At what cost? People in a fascist country are safe too, but they have no rights. No privacy. No freedom. Does waterboarding save lives? I'm not sure. I mean, if I was being waterboarded I'm sure I would say whatever I could to end it. That doesn't mean its the truth. And sure, sometimes it probably is. But let me reiterate two things: 1. I would rather have my human rights. Thats what makes us better than the terrorists. 2. We are torturing suspected terrorists. Not convicted terrorists. Thats ridiculous. Its horrendous.
Even if torturing and invading our privacy keeps us safe, it keeps us safe by costing us the very things that make us a country worth living in. Saving lives by giving up what makes life worth living is not worth it.

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Blogger Melissa Ward said...

Preston, I COMPLETELY agree.

12/20/2007 12:38 PM  

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