"the Truth at any cost"

Thursday, November 15, 2007


So, now having read Kant, Carnap, Frege, Russell, third wave feminist epistemologists, and now Wittgenstein, I would say...how could it get any worse from here? This has to be the toughest (reading-wise) semester I have ever had. I read the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Judgment in their near entireties (not all of the appendices).
Brutal. But its awesome.
At the same time, I am wondering:
Does anyone fully understand some of these people?
I mean, Wittgenstein...does anyone get it? Or is he just revered because people assume anything that hard to read must be profound? I wonder.

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Blogger Kate said...

I often wonder that about scholarly work... if people get it or if they don't get it and don't want to admit that they don't get it so they're just like, "Remember when so and so said...blah blah blah...I think that ties in here because x, y and z. It really makes you think." And, then everyone else is like, "Wow, That person read, understood and just linked so and so into this discussion. They must be smarter than I thought they were."

Anyway, I just wanted to say I can't stop over on my way home, but I told Emily I am considering a road trip to...um... "check out some schools". Plus, I hear there's a gigantic stamp there? I mean, you guys were enough of a draw as it is, but when you had in a great, big stamp, too.... that's like going to Grandma's and having Jesus turn up for tea. Or, maybe I've just had too much coffee today.

11/16/2007 9:35 AM  
Blogger Melissa Ward said...

I think it is commendable that you are still coherent after reading all those philosophers (the Wittgenstein and Kant especially).

11/16/2007 10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment time. I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up for fucksgiving lunch.

(RON PAUL 08.)

Preston, I will always admire you for the strength you put into your schooling. Philosophy is certainly not easy, by way of extravagant reading, but at the same time: how far can plain english go?! Then, if the philosopher is from some other culture that we are foreign to, the ideas could even been translated poorly or in a way that might not properly convey the thinker's true meaning.

I believe that sometimes people can make that which is overly scripted to be profound. It's not that you "don't get it," it's just that people aren't always going to be "right" or make perfect sense. I say, if you can state the objectives of a philosopher in your own words, you've pretty much got it. rock on.

11/22/2007 8:44 AM  

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