"the Truth at any cost"

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I might just be getting old or something, because I feel like a 'feel-good' entry today.

I was walking on a trail in the woods today with Emily, when I was reminded of how ignorant I am of, well, basically, everything. I don't mean this in a philosophical way either.
I realized this while I was looking at a 10 story highway bridge above where we were walking. How the hell did they construct this thing? How would you even begin? Who figured out the math for this? Who figured out the logistics? Did they poor the concrete into constructed molds or what? I have no idea.
Take a thought like this and then expand it out.
Computers. How the hell do they work? How can me pushing buttons somehow put it on an electronic screen? How does the screen work? How does the programming language work? But even bigger--how could someone even begin to understand, much less create, a circuit board? I don't even know how electricity works.

Basically, I realized that I have no idea how anything works in life at all. Things I use everyday: electricity, cars, buildings, computers, microwave ovens...the list could go on pretty much indefinitely.
To quote the great Meatwad: "Damn I'm dumb."

I have these thoughts every so often, maybe monthly, and it always leads to the same place. I decide I want to undertake the long process of beginning to learn how these things work; after all, I know its within my capabilities, because human beings invented all this stuff. (But how could human beings be so fucking smart? I see human beings all the time, and I feel like I am part of a culture which is completely separated from the species that creates iPods and laptops!) And then, I realize...I don't even know anyone that knows how these things work! The vast majority of the population is walking around, just like me, using these things, buying these things, looking at these things, with absolutely no clue how any of them work! I once asked a computer science major to teach me, roughly, how a computer worked. He had no more idea than I did! And he works with these things everyday, manipulating them and such. Where are the people that understand these things? Do they live on some Utopia somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean? I want to understand!

This cycle repeats itself every month or two--its frustrating, but it also feels really good, for two reasons: 1. The thought that human beings are capable of the things they create is very comforting--its something to point at when cynics say humans are nothing but evil. Its amazing what 'we' as a race can do, when we set our minds to it; be it for profit, for God, or for community. 2. This one is more personal, but it feels good to know that I will never run out of things to learn. I live to learn, and the realization that I'll never be 'done', if I don't want to be, feels good. Its like knowing your purpose will never run out.

So, if you want to have a cheesy sentimental moment today, as you go about your business think of all the things that you are enjoying, thanks to humankind.



Blogger Kate said...

I have that moment all the time, too. It is wonderful.

And, the good news is, even if you don't know anyone who can explain it to you, should you decide that today is the day that you will learn a little about bridges or computers or chemical processes through which raw egg becomes cooked egg that you could probably find the proper reference materials to help you on your way.

Also, I miss you.

8/12/2007 6:29 AM  
Blogger Preston said...

Yay! Good to know I'm not alone. I miss you too! Thanks for the recent e-mail.

I shall respond.

8/12/2007 9:35 AM  
Blogger Preston said...

Yay! Good to know I'm not alone. I miss you too! Thanks for the recent e-mail.

I shall respond.

8/12/2007 9:37 AM  

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